Saturday, July 21, 2018

July 20

Hi Grade 1/2 students
If you are visiting this Blog, it means you've received my postcard. (Yeah, it didn't get lost in the mail). I hope all your friends have received their postcard too.
This coming year is going to be exciting! Your class will have Grade 1 and Grade 2 students together and I will be your teacher.
Once a week, there will be a post from our class on this Blog. I would like to see all students and parents visit this Blog once a week. The purpose of this Blog is to keep parents informed on what we are learning at school and how parents can support their child at home.
Parents will get a friendly reminder (along with a link to the Blog) that the Blog has been updated. I invite parents and students to make positive comments and ask questions on the Blog. All comments will be moderated by myself. At this point the Blog is open to the public. During the first week of school, you will receive paperwork regarding your child's photo being posted on the blog. My policy about posting photos of children on the blog is to NEVER post your child's name along with their photo.
I'm excited to get to know each one of you. Here is a little about me!

We'll see everyone on Tuesday, September 4. School starts at 8:30 and finishes at 3:20. On the first day (and through out the year), your child will need:
- indoor shoes that will stay on school (please label)
- lunch (no nuts are recommended but not required - if your child has nuts they MUST clean their hands and area where they were eating - as well, inform adult supervisor during eating)
- 2 healthy snacks (morning and afternoon snack break) - more about veggies all day/any time
- good size backpack
- please NO TOYS at school

We have alot of exciting things to look forward to:
* you will get your own desk, your own pencil box of supplies and a big journal book called a Visual Journal
* we have Gym everyday and Recess at lunch and in the afternoon
* we have been accepted to a special 'week-long' field trip called Healthy Living School (ALOT OF VOLUNTEERS WILL BE NEEDED - WATCH FOR A SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER DURING THE FIRST FEW WEEKS OF SCHOOL)
... and so many more things.

VOLUNTEERS: I hope ALL parents will take the time to sign up as a volunteer this year. If you have not applied as a volunteer (through E.G's office), please call Mrs. Dann at the office. You might think that you will NEVER be able to volunteer (due to your job, for example), but you just never know when you might be able to help out and you NEED that clearance to be able to do so. 

Here are the names of your friends in our class:

I hope you had a fantastic summer!

Here are all the riddles? See how many you can figure out. I will share the answers on the first day of school. 

RIDDLE #1 - Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
RIDDLE #2 - What has to be broken before you can use it?
RIDDLE #3 - What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? 
RIDDLE #4 - What month has 28 days? 
RIDDLE #5 - How many letters in the alphabet?

Mrs. Maze

End Of Year

What a fantastic year! I am very proud of each student! It has been a great year with a focus on how we can be healthy. I hope (at least) o...